Biblical Signs in the Headlines was founded in 2015, and it is your one-stop spot for Biblically-relevant news and for bold Christian views.

MichaEL Sawdy researches and writes about the signs of our times found in today’s headlines, which point to the imminent Rapture of the faithful and Jesus Christ’s Return.

The Benham Brothers, Jason and David, began contributing to the website in 2017. They are former professional baseball players, entrepreneurs, authors, actors, speakers, culture warriors, and Godly husbands & fathers. It has been an honor and a blessing to have them contribute.

BiblicalSigns.com is the Christian alternative to the far-left biased mainstream news media. All of the opinions here are based solely on the Word of God, because His Word is the FINAL WORD.


  1. Thank you for speaking truth in love. Thank you for allowing God to use you. We need your voice and it’s making a difference for the Kingdom of God and eternity. God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have just discovered your website. I am very surprised not have run across it before. So far I have found nothing that disturbs me or with which I could disagree. So pleased and happy to bookmark this. The Benham brothers seem to be my cuppa tea. There is so much garbage and questionable stuff on the internet that it is such a pleasure to come across a site such as this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello brethren!
    It’s such a wonderful and profound place for me to learn through your articles how to pray for my country (Tanzania) and the world.
    May the Almighty God bless you and enrich you with more knowledge and information about God’s Kingdom (and its influence) on all areas of life and mankind.

    Let the world governments know that without Jesus Christ (and the Holy Bible) they are useless and can accomplish nothing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello,
    I’ve just finished your first book and have started the second. I was impacted enough to search out your website. My husband and I have over the last few years felt a sense of urgency and have started investigating all things ‘end times’. Your book(s) are clear and concise. It’s hard to to feel afraid and take the mindset to go off grid, however here in Alberta, Canada, that isn’t so easy to do and I would not leave my adult kids. I really like your idea of buying scads of bibles and leaving them in boxes labelled ‘free’ in different areas. Perhaps that is one way we can reach the lost. Here in our small city (Airdrie), there are still many conservative churches so I don’t think we are as bad off as the more urban areas, although the current liberal government is making it more difficult to practice what we believe. Hopefully, the October election this year will bring in a conservative government and get rid of the ‘clown’ we currently have leading our country. Please keep writing – God Bless!
    Brenda Chenger

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Brenda! Glad you enjoyed my first book and are reading the Sequel as well. Please take a moment to leave reviews for both books on Amazon when you can. It helps to combat the liberal haters who try to sabotage my Amazon rating by leaving 1-Star reviews. God bless you always.


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